(really) Old Stuff

(really) Old Stuff

(really) Old Stuff

Love Struck Out

Love Struck Out



(Above) Filmed right before (and during) the turn of the century, Love Struck Out was our first short film we created. Based on a short story by Kenny Cheairs, this is the project we cut our teeth on.

Filmed right before (and during) the turn of the century, Love Struck Out was our first short film we created. Based on a short story by Kenny Cheairs, this is the project we cut our teeth on.

Directed By: Andrew Torkelson

Produced By: Brandon Hill

Scripted By: Kenny Cheairs &

Andrew Torkelson

Soundtrack By: Diz Conected.

Haven 21 - Daydream

Haven 21 - Daydream



(Above) Music video for the local Omaha band, Haven 21. Won best amateur video at the Hot Shops Film Festival.

Music video for the local Omaha band, Haven 21. Won best amateur video at the Hot Shops Film Festival.

Directed By: Andrew Torkelson

Produced By: Brandon Hill

Omaha Show - Episode 1


Omaha Show - Episode 1


A bunch of young kids filming themselves doing stupid things in downtown Omaha. Faith, relationships, and hairlines may have changed over time, but in eye of camera lens, there is no changing history. Through thick and thin, these people were part of my youth and I'm happy to still be in touch with them. So for those of you who take offense to the following video, and most likely you will, a 19 year old version of me says deal with it. My show will not be replaced by 'Art Pfeifer Plays Accordion'…. again.

Full Blame: Andrew Torkelson

RIP: Rahman Strum

Omaha Show - Episode 2

Omaha Show - Episode 2



In the second episode, you can see that the "Omaha Show" was still figuring out what it was. Most of the sketches were basically created on the spot, and had no set beginning or end. The 'Cops in Omaha' was really the first time since "Love Struck Out" that we planned and coordinated the production. The rest of the show is pretty messed up. Go watch the third one, you're probably just going to get mad at this one.

Directed By: Andrew Torkelson

Omaha Show - Episode 3

Omaha Show - Episode 3



By the third episode, Omaha Show's format became strictly sketch comedy. This was by far the most fun we had creating the multiple pieces that went into this episode. From the balls out crazy collaboration on "Who's A Terrorist?" to the made in a day "Bluez Cluez", we've never laughed harder. Looking back, the show is very dated, even for an early 2000's standard. From a children's show featuring prostitution murder, to an ad for a 'ghettofied' fast food joint, even 'Michael Jackson's Playhouse' somehow managed to age worse over time. But it was how we learned, and it stands as time capsule to a much different time period. Honestly, I'm shocked you've continued to read and view these.

Directed By: Andrew Torkelson

Produced By: Brandon Hill

Fixed Fight - Fight for This

Fixed Fight - Fight for This



Music Video for Kenny Cheairs solo project Fixed FIght. Concept developed by Kenny Cheairs.

Directed By: Andrew Torkelson

Produced By: Brandon Hill


(Really) old projects from Bastard & Hoodlum Productions.

(Really) old projects from Bastard & Hoodlum Productions.